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  • Writer's pictureNicholette Sartori

Chic Outfit Formula for Warm Weather

I know I’m not the only girl out there living in a warm weather state that can't wear cute Fall outfits, without having a heat stroke. I break a sweat just walking from my car into my office at work, which is an estimated 15 foot walk.

Fall is one of my favorite seasons and year over year I’ve struggled to find a way to embrace the fall outfits, but not be too warm while I’m out and about. Today, I can proudly say I have found a formula that works more times than not and now I am here to share the wealth!

The Hot Weather, Fall Outfit Formula

Alright friends, here it is. If you live in a warm weather state but want to dress for Fall, create outfits that keep fabric off your legs and a light, long sleeve top. From there, you can wear an ankle bootie if you want, or a cute mule, but still have some air flow on your legs. My bottom half tends to gets much warmer than my top half, so that's why I’ve chosen this “formula”. If you are the opposite, then of course adjust accordingly to give yourself the most comfort! Overall, try to have one piece be "short" and the other "long" so you aren't covered head to toe.

Now, I know you might be thinking this formula of mine is a no brainer, but you'd be surprised. SO, in addition to the short and long proportions, try to wear a light fabric (duh) but also go for a subtle pattern. This will help hide any sweat marks.

*** Petite pro tip*** If you’re going to wear stripes, opt for vertical rather than horizontal. This makes the eye go up and down, giving a longer, leaner illusion instead of a wide side to side view.

Happy outfit pairing!



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