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  • Writer's pictureNicholette Sartori

10 Unique Ways to Spend Valentine's at Home

Updated: Feb 10, 2021

Are you a homebody or love a good night out on the town? Honestly, it just depends on the day for me, but overall I think I like to stay in more so than not. I’ll be honest, the main reason I like to go out in the first place is so I can wear a cute outfit LOL. The second reason is to grab a good drink. Luckily I have a husband that can cook a mean meal, so fashion and cocktails are my two reasons to hit the town. This year, I’m not quite sure if we will stay in or go out for a nice dinner, but I have a good feeling we, along with most couples, will be staying in. Finding creative ways to have date night at home is so fun to me. I like to try new things so thinking of ideas for this post had me so excited. Some of these ideas aren’t the most original, but they are good options we often forget about as adults. Others are a few things I’ve never tried before but really want to now!

10 Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day at Home

1. Game night with or without another couple

You don't always have to spend Valentine's alone with your significant other. Sometime's it's great to have another couple around to enjoy the night with and have some fun playing old games. Break out the Twister, Trouble, or Categories for a different take on date night.

2. Bring the spa home

Relax as if you're in the spa right in your own home. Grab a new robe, some soft slippers and let the serenity begin. Some other great items for a spa night at home are bath bombs, face masks, massage oil, and candles! Turn the lights off or dimmed to relax in the candle light. Don't forget some soft background music to really set the mood.

3. Wine and dessert paring

Who needs an expensive wine tasting when you can create it in the comfort of your home! Go to the store and find 3 bottles of wine. Try a red, white, and rose if you're not particular and then find a small appetizer type food to pair it with! Be creative with dessert only, a mixture of salty and sweet, or even meats/cheese like charcuterie. The possibilities are endless!

4. Scavenger hunt

This is one I've never tried before but want to so bad! I'm honestly not sure I'd be crafty enough to pull it off but who knows. Keep it inside only or extend outside the house. Use clues from your relationship to point your partner in the direction of their prize. To make it a challenge, set a time limit to see if they can figure out all the clues with a little bit of pressure.

5. Star gazing

Depending on where you live, this might require you to travel a little away from the house, but still has the same unique feel. I have always loved star gazing, whether it's alone or with company. Not only is it relaxing and beautiful, but it provides a great time to talk with whoever you're gazing with and have really great conversation. You can throw a blanket on the ground or sit in the bed/trunk of your vehicle for a bit more comfort.

6. Indoor picnic on the floor

I've seen so many stunning pictures of this concept and it just looks so cozy. Throw all the fluffy blankets you can find on the floor and get a small table to eat on. Have a few pillows as well to sit with/on and throw an outdoor image on the TV. Or turn on your favorite show while cuddling on the floor after you eat.

7. Backyard movie night

Another one I'd love to try! I cannot tell you how bad I want to get one of those awesome blow up TV screens and projector to have an outdoor movie night. Many snacks to be included. Shop some of the outdoor movie night good here!

8. Fondue

I might be speaking for myself, but this is another fun date night activity I feel like adults forget about, but it's so easy to pull off. Fondue can be cheese, chocolate, or even meats! Stealing a page from The Melting Pot, fondue can include cooking meat if you have water that is hot enough! I will caution to ensure the meat is fully cooked before consuming, of course.

9. Valentines dollar store shopping spree

Head to the dollar store with $10-$15 each and see what you can find, but don't show one another! It can be crafts, home decor, beauty/bath products, etc. but regardless of what you each choose, that is what your date night will consist of! Crafts for example, if purchased, will be your activity for the night. Be creative!

10. Cook a new meal together

This is one of those not so original ideas, but not everyone tries to cook a new meal all that often, so why not try for Valentine's date night?? Find a new recipe to try online and give it a whirl. Maybe have grub hub on standby in case the new meal doesn't go well HA!



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